Environmental protection
To implement the policy of the Company in the field of environmental protection in order to manage risk exposure to the environmental aspects of the environment the Company follows the principles of:
- constantly to increase efficiency and productivity of system of management of environmental protection according to requirements of the international ISO 14001:2004 standard in relation to gas supply and rendering services;
- take into account the requirements of the international standards for the protection of the environment and natural resources, the positive achievements in this direction of the leading companies and the latest achievements of science and technology;
- to ensure the preservation of the natural environment in the area of gas pipelines, structures on them and other production and non-production facilities;
- periodically to reveal and estimate compliance of activity of the Company to the international and domestic legislation, standard requirements, and also requirements of other interested parties with which the Company agrees;
- to take into account the views of all stakeholders in the operation of the management system of environmental protection, to ensure effective communication with consumers, public authorities and supervision, with business partners, suppliers;
- to ensure sustainable development through the rational use and conservation of natural resources, pollution prevention
The management of the company takes the responsibility for the implementation of policies in the field of IMS (quality, health and occupational safety, environmental protection and risk management), the analysis of the adequacy and suitability, and revision.